Build for PvE and Rifles
Information pill about most popular weapon category
Oct 01, 2020
B10 vs B25 vs B50 vs BE
Comparison and review of four best Major Legendary effects
Apr 04, 2020

This article intends to compare Major Legendary effect (2nd star) of ranged weaponry. After the comparison, the bonuses will be judged, and the use-case where they shine will be presented. The comparisons are done against three targets: a low level scorched, a Scorchedbeast Gueen, and a Power Armored Player. The weapons used are four combat rifles,...

"Drugs are bad m'kay"
The guide to effective chemical dependency (aka Junkies) playstyle
Jan 05, 2020

If you want to benefit from Junkies prefix, you need to suffer withdrawal symptoms. You suffer withdrawal symptoms when you're addicted and not under influence of your preferred substance. This means if you're addicted to psycho, you won't get bonus to Junkies if you're under Psycho. The maximum value of Junkies buff is 50%, and it receives 10% ...

Why is charisma awesome
Even if you have little
Jan 05, 2020

Fallout 76 allows teammates to share Perk Cards between them. The basic rule is that you need 3 current charisma per 1* of card you want to share. Current charisma, not SPECIAL charisma - SPECIAL stats are only considered a foundation for your current stats, and when defining how many perk cards you can use. When in-game results are calculated, the...

Stuff that says one thing
but does the other
Jan 05, 2020

This game doesn't necessarily describe different effects you might find on your equipment or perk cards. Things that work one way do something different upon interacting with particular legendary effect or craftable mod. The only way to assess actual effectiveness of given element is to test it in practice. Perks: Dodgy - it seems that it calcu...

Guide to minmaxing
How to make most out of your character
Jan 05, 2020

This article presents the concerns that should be addressed when trying to design a character that perfectly fits the playstyle that you want to achieve. First and foremost, percentage effects are more powerful than base value effects. For example, one ghoul slayer legendary effect on armor (-15% from ghouls) provides more protection from ghoul...

Efficient character build templates
Add a theme to a niche and you've got a character recipe
Jan 05, 2020

Below you'll find somebuild templates for popular playstyles. These are adjustable foundation that you can customise to your needs, that will be mathematically efficient at their role. Sneaky Sniper = Commando (Rifleman if you want 1/5 DPS for 1/10 ammo used) + Sneak Staggermaister = Shotgunner focused on Stagger Carpet bomber = Heavy + Bl...

Its important to focus
Focusing on one niche yields better results than mixes
Jan 05, 2020

One of the complains I've seen on reddit hundreds of times is something along the lines 'So I play a sniper with a melee backup of bear arm melee when things get hot, but I'm not satisfied with my damage, how would you tune up this build?' and a screenshot of a 'rifleman' build that has 14 STR and 5 Luck. Issue that these players are facing is t...

Deciding which niche you want to take
The first decision in character creation
Jan 05, 2020

There are several niches in this game that you could take. Some of them are popular, some of them are quite exotic, some of them would have their followers if not for the fact they suck. The point of this article is to help you find a niche for yourself. The main niches, directly derived from available perk cards are: > Commando - automatic ...



The game is often being adjusted under the hood, and to have precise results, its necessary to periodically retest everything. If there's something that you think should be retested, or you want to share: